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Want to Eliminate Anxiety and Feel “Normal”?

The Anxiety and Depression Association states that more than 40 Million people suffer from anxiety in the US alone, yet only about 37% actually receive help for it. Help can come in the form of counseling, medication, meditation, etc. However a new and innovative treatment option is gaining awareness and popularity. Floating. Floating is the use of high-density salt water to create a sensory-less environment to aid with reduction of stress, anxiety, pain, and fatigue. It is completed inside a very large float pod, where you will float on top of the water while losing sense of time and space. In this setting, all of the distraction and stress that you experience outside the pod, goes away or is greatly limited. Floating in this environment has been shown to aid in significant reductions in stress, muscle tension, pain, depression and negative affect, accompanied by a significant improvement in mood characterized by increases in serenity, relaxation, happiness and overall well-being. Simply put, floating can greatly reduce stress and anxiety while improving your overall mood.

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