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Stop Falling Asleep at the Wheel of Life

The US Center for Disease Control defines sleep deprivation or short sleep duration as getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night.  After a nationwide survey, they found that more than ⅓ of all adults are sleep deprived.  Sleep deprivation is directly related to weight gain, depression, impaired mental focus, fatigue, and poor joy of life.  Facts that impact negative sleep and sleep patterns are electronic light prior to sleep, inconsistent sleep and wake patterns or timing, alcohol or caffeine consumption, and mental stress and anxiety.  As crazy as it seems, studies are finding that more and more adults are now sleeping less so they can be on social media and video streaming services more.  It has become a new addiction.  The light from these devices are causing the brain to stay more stimulated and therefore not shutting down as quickly once the sun goes down.  They also do not allow for a normal transition in to the sleep cycle.  Due to these devices, they are not entering the deep sleep state as often or for as long.  Without entering in to deep sleep, the brain is not able to release the proper chemicals and hormones needed to heal the body, organize thoughts, or prepare itself for the next day.  We are waking up on an empty tank.  We then resign to external means to “pick us up,” such as caffeine and more screen time.  We are on a dangerous cycle that will eventually lead to a crash.  Keep in mind that over 6,000 vehicular deaths per year are caused by drowsy drivers.  This proves that getting enough quality sleep can literally save your life!

I know from personal experience that my ability to handle stressful situations, such as jumping out of an airplane, is greatly impaired with sleep deprivation.  This happened to me a number of years ago.  The result?  A broken ankle and multiple crushed vertebrae.  I’m not saying that sleep would have changed the outcome brought on by my inexperience, but it may have allowed me the greater ability to say “not today.”

Dr. Matt’s Take

You and your loved ones are too important to not make yourself, and therefore your sleep, a top priority.  It is the number one thing that I recommend to my patients to transform their lives.  You can jump-start this today with a single float session.  Come float, sleep deep, and start healing!

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